
Clinical Neuroscience

임상 신경과학

본 과정은 어렵고 지루한 신경과학강의는 가라! University of Sydney 출신 김정헌 교수의 쉽고 재미있는 재활분야에 특화된 임상신경과학을 경험하세요!

Coming Soon Clinical Neuroscience 과정은 추후 오픈 예정입니다.


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    신경과학! 어려움은 내려놓고, '아하~!' 깨달음을 드립니다.

    · BHS, Rehabilitation therapy, Yonsei University
    · MHS, Physical therapy, Graduate school, Hallym University
    · Master of Occupational Therapy, University of Sydney
    · Ph.D, Occupational therapy, Graduate school, Yonsei University
    · Physical therapy(KOR), Occupational therapist(AUS)
    · Associate Professor in Occupational therapy, East far University
    · Manager, Rehabilitation Center, Bundang Rusk Rehabilitation Hospital
    · Senior Physiotherapist, Korea Employment Agency for persons with Disabilities
    · Editorial Writer, The Korean Society of Medicine & Therapy Science
    · Director, The Korean Association of Health care for People with Disabilities

    인터뷰 영상

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Clinical Neuroscience

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